We had planned to have Vic, our architect, subcontract the electrical and lighting plans to an electrical engineer. That has turned out to be a slow moving train and we would rather not wait. Ryan worked it out with Regional to approve our plans without a PE Stamp (Professional Engineer) if we provide plans on D Sheet (22"x 30") with panel schedules, including load calculations. I spent a large part of the day doing detailed lighting plans, with schedules. This will save us time, as well as money, since I have not yet contracted the electrical engineer. Besides, I like doing this sort of thing. I'm kind of a freak like that, as my old Navy roommate DJ would say...
Here are the images, which will be printed on the large sheets. I need to go through and do the same with the other electrical distribution for the shop... I'll hit that tomorrow since it is after 1:00am. Well, I guess that makes it later today then.

All lighting:

Lighting Circuit A (we will assign circuit numbers once we figure out what breakers will be used for each circuit):

Lighting Circuit B:

Lighting Circuit C:

Lighting Circuit D:

Lighting Circuit E:

Lighting Circuit F:

Lighting Circuit G:

Lighting Circuit H:
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