We did review their documents in detail and it states that we can request a hearing if CSU dictates policy that we do not agree with, or is not backed up by their own specifications, procedures, and policies. I'm hoping it will not come to that. I'm hoping and praying that CSU will notify us tomorrow or Monday that they are going to authorize us to proceed with a reasonable plan.
I've received feedback from several sources and everyone seems to like the newest layout. The angles seem to be really appealing to the masses! I set a meeting for Saturday morning with Ryan Thompson (our GC). He is going to take a look at our commercial space to get a feel for it, as compared to just looking at our plan. He is also going to show me some of his recent work, which I am looking forward to seeing. I'll take some photos and post them...
Tracy and I met with Sean Rafferty today. He has come up with several concepts for our logo, as well as some graphics that could be used for indoor artwork themes. We really like several of his concepts, but we are going to pursue one in particular. I don't want to describe it and spoil the surprise, though. It sticks with the whole nautical theme, but plays on a concept that no one has done before. Sean is approaching it with an abstract feel to it. The design element will grab your attention, but makes you take a closer look and use your imagination to pull the concept together. That's all I'm saying for now...
Sean also mentioned a couple of sources for drywall work, and some texture that is applied like stucco, but to interior walls. Our original plan was to use existing walls to a large extent, but the new plan requires almost all new walls. I want to do some kind of texture on the walls, but I don't want it to look like your living room. I'd like to see an example of the texture he was talking about.
I stopped by The Ravens Nest today, which is a coffee shop ran by our friends Paul and Heather Fay. Once again, stop by their shop at Boulder and Institute (just west of Memorial Hospital and the Olympic Training Center) if you are in the area! (I will keep plugging them as much as possible... They have great espresso drinks!)
This has nothing to do with our coffee shop, but my brother Aubrey sent me some photos from Iraq. He is serving in Iraq for his third tour, as is our neighbor. Please take time to thank our troops in one way or another. If you don't know any, then take some time just to appreciate them and say a prayer for them. Supporting our troops, by the way, has nothing to do with whether or not you agree with the war, or any political affiliation you might have. They are just young Americans serving our country and deserve our respect and appreciation.

Gotta run...
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