Tracy and I started yesterday with a meeting at Maric Beverage Systems. They are the leading equipment service company in the area, and they are also a distributor for some companies, and deal in used equipment.
I had noted in our blog previously that we were probably going to purchase a used La Marzocco 3 Group Linea and La Marzocco dedicated Swift grinder. They retail for $16,000 new. We showed up at the right time, as they also had a Bunn Brew Wise twin system, with four stainless steel caraffes, a Bunn G1 bulk grinder, and a Fetco twin dedicated brewer grinder. Here are the added components:
The Fetco GR 2.2 grinder retails for $1200, and they are giving us four hoppers, which retail for $90 each. Here is the cover of the cutsheet:

The Bunn BrewWISE Dual ThermoFresh Brewer with Smart Funnel normally retails for approximately $1400, and the caraffes run $200 each. That means we are getting $2200 in product for dirt cheap!

Here is a shot of the Bunn G1 Bulk Grinder:

I posted images of the LM 3 Group Linea and Swift Grinder below in the blog...
So, we are looking at $12k, $4k, $1400, $2200, and $700, for a total of $20,300 without freight or taxes. Maric sold all of this stuff to us for $7000. Yes, it is used and refurbished, but will work just the same as brand new equipment! That is quite a savings, which is important since our construction is costing more than we had planned.
I also ordered three pendant light fixtures for above the bar. Here is a photo:

Tracy also bought some tile samples. We want the entry, the bar/kitchen area, and the bathrooms to be tile. Everything else will be white oak.
I spent the day at the shop yesterday and realized when it was time to leave that I had no idea where my keys were! We finished the demo, and Ryan's crew filled the 30 yard dumpster from front to back, about half full. I went in the dumpster and moved everything to the back, on top. This still gives us a half full dumpster, but allows us to roll the wheel barrow with debris into the front. I imagine my keys fell out in the dumpster somewhere, because I could not find them ANYWHERE else, after looking for over an hour. I'm going back over there soon to look some more, and go dumpster diving for them if necessary. I'm not looking forward to it because it is only 14 degrees, and that is the forecasted high for the day. Not exactly great weather for searching a 30 cubic yard dumpster for a set of keys...
Enough for now, I suppose...
I've got to go change into my dumpster clothes.
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