Tracy met with a Coca Cola distributor today. They have prices that are not great, just a little higher than Sam's Club or Walmart. But... they deliver right to our store and they will provide us with a free merchandise cooler. We were going to buy one at a cost of $2300. We are willing to pay a few cents extra per Coke item in exchange for free delivery and a free cooler! That puts $2300 back into our capital budget.
We also went to meet witha friend of mine. We were project managers together at Intel, but he left a couple of years ago to start his own business. He bought a quarter million dollar CNC water jet/plasma torch and does metal fabrication. He also designs and builds after market components for H2 and H3 Hummers. He does brush guards, roof racks, under body protection, ladders, spare tire holders, custom bumpers with winches, etc, etc...
We want to do laser cut menu boards that are magnetic. Tracy wants three menu boards that are 38" x 48", with laser cuts at the top. The menu items will be on magnet strips we can put where we want. We met with Niel to go over our ideas and plans. We should have the most custom menu boards in town!
Vic finiished our floor plans and took them to Regional today. I am meeting with him and Ryan at the shop tomorrow morning at 9:00am. If everything is a go, we are going to go purchase our framing materials and get started on construction.
Gotta run...
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