So... you may be wondering what a judo tournament has to do with our coffee shop. Well, our boys are in judo at the Olympic Training Center, which is just two blocks from Nemo's. It is our desire to do some heavy marketing to the Olympic Training Center. The OTC sponsored a tournament today and I did some photography for Ed and Tammie Liddie (Ed: US Olympic Coach and 1984 Olympic medalist; Tammie: USA Judo Project Manager). I passed out some Nemo's fliers at the tournament, and spoke to some of the Olympic athletes and offered to do some free studio photo sessions for them.
Here are a couple of shots of Jeff Sato... He won the men's senior division:

...and a shot of Jeff throwing one of his competitors:

I edited these on my laptop, which is not accurate. Please forgive any color shifts or contrast/brightness issues...
Gotta run, Tracy and I are teaching Sunday School tonight.
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