We've been very busy with Ethan breaking his leg, birthday parties, judo tournaments, sick kids, etc.
Before I get to the shop stuff, here are a few photos...
First, this is Ethan 'not' participating in the judo tournament:

And here are some shots of Josh in action:

And here is Jonah at his Laser Quest birthday party!

OK, on to the shop...
We are nearly ready to start putting up drywall. The electricians are almost complete with rough in, the plumbers started Friday night and are calling for inspection tomorrow (they are fast and have earned the project MVP award so far).
One of our biggest fears was that the waste water main would be at too high an elevation to tie our plumbing into. Regional already stated that they would not approve a pit and sump pump (for absolutely no reason, other than to cause pain and suffering to the masses). We were in for big trouble if the elevation were too high. I jackhammered the concrete slab out of the bar and backroom areas on Friday, and we dug up the waste main. It is only 24" below grade, so it was a little scary at first. My plumber did some quick calculations based upon the grease trap inlet and outlet, as well as the floor drains feeding into the grease trap, and determined that we have about 3" to spare! What a relief! I am so happy that at least one 'unknown' item on this project went our way!
By the way, here is a shot of me running the jackhammer:

And this is what your hands look like when you move a ton or so of concrete without gloves:

Time to go wrestle with the boys...
I'll post more tomorrow.
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