They finished hanging all of the sheetrock by 1:00pm on Tuesday, and had all of it taped and mudded today! Impressive, if you ask me...
Here is a pano of several images. They were taken with a 20mm lens, so there is some curve distortion, but you get the idea. Click on the image to see it larger:

and another:

I got started on the first table... This one is Padauk and Maple, with Alder apron and legs. Here are some photos of the table top fabrication:
Click to see larger:

I glued up a second table top today, which is made of Canary wood and Purpleheart. It will also be a very pretty table.
Tracy and I are working on our job application, and putting an ad in the paper to hire some employees. Who would have guessed that a four line employment ad costs $215??? Crazy, but we have to do it.
Gotta run,
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