Thursday, February 21, 2008

Craig's List

OK, I can be pretty cool for an over-40 bald guy, married with children. But, I have to admit, I'm not much into Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, Craigslist, texting, and all of that stuff. I have shirts older than some of the kids working for us...

Anyway, on our original round of hiring, we placed an ad in the local paper for nearly $300. We received approximately 20 quality applications over a five day period. I placed an ad in Craig's List for free today, and we had our first person in the store, filling out an application within 20 minutes! We ended up getting about 10 quality applications in just a few hours. For all of you 20-somethings out there that are completely and totally "connected": I love the fact that you saw our ad and submitted applications, but you are going to have to work like it is 1999 (Prince should write a song about working like it's 1999). By that, I mean no internet access during your shift, no personal cell phone usage, and if you have a WIFI chip implanted in your brain, you need to turn it off during your work shift.

OK, if you can't tell, I'm joking around. But, I am serious that we received 10 quality applications very quickly from a Craig's List ad, and I am also serious that you will have to be "disconnected" during your shifts!

Eveyone have a great night! I need to get my water chemistry scope so I can get five or so hours of sleep tonight...
Take care and God Bless!

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