Friday, December 5, 2008

Continuation from yesterday

Anyway, this is what I really wanted to say about TV yesterday, but I ran out of time. There was a new show on Wednesday night. I caught some previews a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve been looking forward to seeing it. The show premiered Wednesday night, and it is called The Secret Millionaire. Basically, multi-millionaires agree to give up everything for a week, and agree to live in a poor community with only one week’s worth of welfare wages.
Their goals are to survive on just those welfare wages, and also to interact with people in the community. At the end of the week, they are to give away a minimum of $100,000 of their own money to people they feel are in need and worthy of the help. I really enjoyed watching this show! It was very powerful and moving. I’m not a sappy person, but this show brought tears to my eyes several times. The main premise of the show is powerful, but it is not what impacted me the most. What really captured my attention were the people in these communities who have absolutely nothing, and yet they spend all of their time and limited resources to help other people in their communities. Tracy and I give to a couple of charities, and we volunteer at our church. However, this show made me realize we can do even more. Looking back on my life, I know that the times I have felt the best in my life are times when I have done something to help others. The feelings and emotions after helping others are so much more enriching than just about any others I can remember. If you are in the habit of helping others, then you know exactly what I mean. If you haven’t done something like this in awhile, then I challenge you to do something nice, helpful, and maybe even unexpected for someone in need. You will be amazed with the results for yourself, not to mention for the people/organization you have helped.

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