Friday, June 20, 2008

I have at least one reader!

From time to time, I get an email or a comment from someone who reads this blog. I do it more for myself, but if it helps someone out there, then that is also a good thing. You sometimes have to wade through my non-coffee related thoughts and pro-military posts to get to the coffee shop knowledge (or lack of), but I'm happy to know that people are gaining useful information here.

I received an anonymous reply from my last post that answered questions posed by a reader, as shown below:

"Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions - if there's any more nuggets of wisdom you can think of that we should know about, we're out here reading you!"

The biggest nugget of wisdom I can offer is to buy a 12 pack of legal pads (or if you are like me, get a bunch of graph paper) and start drawing shop layouts. 1200 sq ft is good for a small shop, 1600 for a medium shop, and 2000+ for a large shop. You can see our layouts as they progressed and changed back at the start of my blog in late 2006. Working on your layout will help you plan everything you need. Someone else could write pages and pages of advice, but nothing will help you to open your own shop than to plan it yourself. In fact, I believe the process of designing your own shop will give you a better understanding of what is involved, and will help you to avoid problems later. A quick answer from a blog is no substitute for investing your own time and thoughts into a shop design. You will learn so very much from the experience, and I believe it is invaluable knowledge gained.

Tracy and I just returned from California last night. I will be posting photos soon of our quick vacation to Disneyland!


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