They have themed contests, and most contests are very literal with regard to the topic. At fm, the moderator (Fred) is a very creative thinker and usually approaches a topic with a wide open mind. The contest topic is TECHNOLOGY, and the entries had numerous electronic items, gears, industrial things, etc. I decided to think outside of the box and enter a photo from a recent maternity shoot. If you have ever studied biology, the 'technology' involved in human reproduction is quite amazing. God did a very good job. In fact, I called the photo (just for the contest) "Patent #00000001 Granted to God"
Click on the image to see it larger:

Well, I just checked the voting and two people have voted for my image. I did not expect it to do well in the finals. If you are an 'in the box' thinker, then this image does not say "Technology" in the least. Apparently, me, Fred, and two voters are the only creative thinkers in the bunch.
Here is the image that is winning so far... It is by Brian Peck who is a U2 spy plane pilot for the USAF. This image was shot in flight at 67,000 feet.

I have not been able to get into the studio for any shots, but I have been keeping an eye on several photo websites for some interesting ideas, and to practice reverse engineering the lighting scenarios for portraits that I really like. As soon as some of my time is freed up, I plan to do some high quality studio work... I want to create a line of greeting cards to sell out of the shop. This little project is tucked away on the back burner for now, though.
I have a photo shoot a week from tomorrow. A local Army soldier and his girlfriend are going to a formal Army Ball (dance) and I will be doing a formal portrait session for them.
The couple in the maternity shot above had their baby recently, so I will be doing baby photos very soon. I will post some images when I can...
Gotta go.
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