Sunday, March 15, 2009

What should we teach our kids?

Let me start by saying that I have really great kids. Tracy and I have taught them right from wrong, and we don't allow disrespectful or ungracious behaviour. We are really proud of who they are becoming.

However, I've been wondering if it is enough to make sure they do their homework, be responsible with their school clothes and backpacks, and simply expect them to make the right choices, which we have discussed with them since they were toddlers. I see so many kids in the world today who have no manners, no respect, and no character (no good character, anyway). Now, is this all because I am 43 and I'm not supposed to understand the next generation. I don't think so... I honestly feel there are too many kids and young adults who just don't get it... Our basic culture has gone off the beaten path.

For a long time, I couldn't figure out what to do about it. I felt like there isn't anything that I, as an individual, can do to impact where America is headed. I finally figured out what it is that I have to do. I need to teach my kids about integrity, honesty, responsibility, accountability, humility, graciousness, kindness, charity, forgiveness, motivation, patience, being frugal, to pay cash for everything and use credit for nothing (except a house), and the list goes on and on. Anyone who knows our kids knows that we have done well by them. However, I don't think we have done enough. I am going to start having discussions with them weekly about a different character trait. I need to educate them on how to be an example to follow in this world, how to be a leader, how to be a cultural army of one. Can I change all of America by teaching these things to my three boys? Chances are, no... Can I help my kids to go out into this world, and maybe affect a change in their sphere of influence, throughout their lives. Yes, I can do that. If Tracy and I do it, and our friends who feel the same way do it, and many, many others who are strangers to us do it... then I think there can be real change in this world. It is time to get real, and make values important in our lives. It is much more important than video games, and going to the movies, and trying to make the most money, and who knows what all else...

We are going to do it, and we think our kids will have better lives because of it. It seems like this concept got lost along the way somewhere, when you look at our country as a whole. It's time to get back to basics, back to what is important. Anyone care to join in?


jcubsdad said...

J.D., at 43 you are realizing one of the most important things... all culture starts in the Home. Period... exclamation point!

The more engaged the parents, the better the child will be as an adult. This is proven time, and time again. Church statistics show it, and even government has seen this be the case.

I being a parent of a boy pray especially for anyone I know who has boys. You have 3 strapping ones to keep you on your toes and you being proactive in setting the example, and bringing these principles to the forefront in their minds and hearts will mean the world.

I applaud your practive parenting decisions.

A blog you might like is

He is a philospoher, Christian, and father of 4 strapping boys... he has lots of insight and more then a few humerous moments to share.


Dianne - Bunny Trails said...

Amen and amen!! Well said, JD! :D