My typical day starts with the alarm at 6:15am. I get Josh, Jonah, and Ethan up and ready for school (including making breakfast and lunches). Getting three boys ready for school is like herding cats... We leave at 7:40am and I drop them off at school. I then swing by Nemo's and grab a drink (usually a vanilla latte with a small squirt of mocha, or a vanilla ameribreve). I get to Ft Carson at approximately 8:30am. I work there as a Project Engineer for RK Mechanical until roughly 5:00pm. I leave and typically go home. That gives me a little while to talk with Tracy and play with the kids (they always want to wrestle or spar). I leave at 6:50 and go to Intel where I complete the water chemistry labwork. It includes obtaining approximately 20 samples of different water systems throughout the site, and then going to the lab and doing mad scientist stuff. I leave Intel at 3:00am and go home. This week has been especially tough because Robert has been sick. I have gone to Nemo's after Ft Carson and closed the store (cleaning, counting out the cash drawer, doing transfers of financials from POS to accounting software, etc). I then have to go straight to Intel from there... I can get through the weeks without really being tired, but I have to admit I'm hurting a little tonight...
The water pump went out on the Jeep several weeks ago. I was able to get to the shop, so I left it there and had Intellitec take a look at it. They determined that it needed a new water pump, thermostat, upper and lower radiator hoses, and a new overflow resevoir. I have been driving my truck (69 Chevy) instead. I needed to get to an auto parts store and buy the parts, and Intellitec was going to perform the work for free (they are an automotive technical college in the same center as us). Well, I got to Intel a couple of nights ago and noticed that "burnt antifreeze" smell. I took a look, and believe it or not, the water pump was going out on the truck! It was steaming and leaking, but had not completely bit the dust just yet. I completed my water testing scope and went home at midnight, instead of at 3:00am, not knowing if I would make it home or not. I ended up making it there. I called in sick at RK Mechanical yesterday (not untrue... I had a touch of a stomach bug that has been going around, which Josh had last weekend in full force). I arranged for our neighbor to take the kids to school, and then I walked to Enterprise (about 3 miles away) and rented a car. I then went to the shop and took the Jeep to the closest repair shop I could find, which was only a block away. I then went back to the shop and worked for awhile, then ran to Sam's club, and completed some other errands that we had been putting off for awhile. I then went back to the shop and worked Robert's closing shift, then went to Intel last night. The shop finished the Jeep today, and I picked it up, then walked about three miles from Enterprise back to Nemo's (with Josh... he wanted to go with me), then worked the closing shift, and now I'm on my final night at Intel for the week. It is nice to have cars that I paid cash for, but it can wreak havoc on your schedule when things break... Oh well...
I have not taken many photos in 2008 due to the complete lack of any free time whatsoever. Our weekends have been nearly as busy as the weekdays lately. I took a quick shot of the cafe the other day, and I was going to post it here. This computer will not recongnize my CF card reader for some reason, so posting the photo will have to wait. But in the meantime, I'd like to post a link to one of the most visionary and creative photographers I've ever seen. His name is David Nitsche and he uses very simple imagery, with exceptional lighting to convey his ideas. He tries to convey emotions, world problems, and addiction issues with props and lighting techniques. Here is one of his anti-drug images:
(click on the image to see a larger version)

Please take a look at his site at:
Copy and paste this link:
It will be worth the several minutes you might spend there...
OK, gotta run and get some stuff done.
Remember to hang tough, keep your heads up, and drink Nemo's coffee!
P.S. I forgot to mention that there were additional headlines on the Drudge Report today about the demise of Starbucks. More corporate decline as a direct result of Nemo's Coffee shop opening, as I have posted and mentioned before! (Honestly, Starbucks will be fine, and I think they are a great company. I just like to pretend that their recent challenges are due to competing with us!)
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