So far, I have taught three Photoshop lessons in the studio. The first was a meet and greet, and to set some goals for the group. We also looked at five different black and white conversion techniques. The next was a Basic instruction group, and we went through the entire workflow to open an image, do some basic adjustments to optimize the image, and then how to resize for web display. Last night I taught an advanced class on a very difficult tool in Photoshop. The tool menu calls it the pen tool, but it is actually a bezier curve tool, just like the ones in vector based illustration software suites. We also did some text illustration effects, using layer styles as well as manual manipulations, and we did some custom coloring of black and white comic book line art.
Our next photoshop discussion for the advanced group will be Complex Masking. I have not set a topic yet for the next Basic group, but I think it will be different sharpening methods.
If you are interested in digital editing of photos, restoration of old photos, graphic illustration, etc, feel free to check out our Photoshop group:
Our Basic Instruction Group is geared towards people who have bought a digital camera, and really don't know what to do with the images! If that is you, then this instruction group is for you!
This has absolutely nothing to do with Nemo's Coffee or Nautilus Photography, but I'm going to put these photos in here anyway, because I think they are really cool. A web acquaintance at DPChallenge has a friend who has a grand daughter that works for NASA. She provided these recent photos for everyone to see (click on the image to see it larger):

As for the shop, we had our first month of sales over $14,000 in October! We also set a new record for highest customer count for a given month. We did not have any record setting individual days, but the whole month was nice and consistent. We are hoping November will be even nicer, and "more consistenter".
We are still pursuing the drive through concept. We need to set up a walk through with the Health Department and see what their input might be. The drive through sits on an existing car wash location, and the previous owners paid a land lease to the car wash. The car wash is currently in foreclosure and ownership has reverted back to the bank. We are checking into that to see if we can solidify a land lease with the bank, as opposed to waiting for a new owner. On the other hand, Tracy's parents said they might buy the car wash so that we can operate the coffee shop rent free... How cool is that???
Don't forget!!! Brad Ewing and Unseen will be playing live on Friday November 9!! You really don't want to miss this show. They are absolutely amazing.
We started our two month long gallery exhibition of work by the Photography Meetup Group yesterday. We received some really amazing works by a number of people. If you are local, stop in and check it out. For those of you who are not local, I'll take some photos of the shop with the artwork hanging and post them here.
Nemo's Coffee is quickly gaining the reputation as the Center of the Colorado Springs Universe for Photography and Photoshop instruction, as well as related events. I can't even tell you how excited I am to be a part of this and to have a facility that can support these areas of interest. It is exciting...
Gotta run...
I hope everyone is doing well.
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